PADI Search and Recovery with Crystal Divers

PADI Search and Recovery

Many factors can affect the success or failure of any search and recovery conducted underwater. Those of particular importance are surface conditions, underwater visibility, depth, bottom topography, bottom composition, vegetation, accessibility, surge, tides, currents, accuracy of bearings, water temperature, pollution, and obstacles or hazards.

The size, weight, and dimensions of the object to recover also play a huge role. There is, in fact, one aspect of an underwater search and recovery that can be controlled – organization. The other factors must be considered when the team plans a search and recovery, altering how they search and the recovery methods to accommodate them.

You will learn how to teach your student divers how to develop the techniques involved in locating and retrieving lost articles, large and small, within recreational limits and while avoiding disturbing delicate marine life. The mechanics of the search are truly an art; while the principles applied to the operation are firmly grounded in science. You will learn how to teach techniques such as search patterns and the use of lifting devices.

PADI Search and Recovery

including materials
IDR 5 MIL per person
  • Duration: 2.5 Days
  • min age: 12
  • Min Level: PADI Advanced Open Water
Two scuba divers in a pool, looking at the camera with rescue balloons between them, demonstrating the use of lifting devices during the PADI Search and Recovery course.
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