Why Dive Deeper?

When we are novice divers everything is new and exciting. The colours, the life, the amazingly weird and wonderful variations that sea creatures come in. The PADI Open Water Diver course opens the door to the under water world and like Alice we often fall deeper into the amazing rabbit hole of the underwater world. Diving awakens the explorer in all of us. The ocean draws us in like an enthralling book that we never want to end.

Why take the PADI Deep Diver Course?

The simplest answer is to dive deeper, but to be more precise is to be able to dive deeper and safely. There is no point diving deep just for the sake of it. There needs to be an objective. Maybe its to see a particularly exciting wreck, maybe it’s to see some of the weirder animals that live slightly deeper or explore a wall. There are actually a lot of interesting things to see at depth and lots of reasons too expand your knowledge and skills too keep you safe.

We have to be careful to make sure that we know how to handle this amazing mistress we call the ocean as she is very unforgiving of our mistakes. The deeper we dive the more serious the mistake can be. Therefore we need to make sure that we have the skills to understand the implications and how to handle different situations. The PADI Deep Diver Course teaches us many skills and knowledge to keep us safe and allow us to carry on experiencing the seemingly never ending myriad of marine species. 

What do you learn on the PADI Deep Diver Specialty?

We go over dive planning, the potential hazards, deep diving equipment, dealing with gas narcosis. We look at a few items affected by pressure at depth. Such as colour which will appeal to the photographers amongst us.

We practice safe descents and ascents, safety stops and simulated decompression stops. Basically we learn to plan and execute deep dives in a safe and controlled way. After doing the Deep Specialty then we can explore more of the ocean more confidently and safely.
Follow that instinct and lets explore together! To find out more information please feel free to contact us.
Mola Mola (sunfish) at Blue Corner, Nusa Lembongan, known for colorful corals.


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