Junior Coral Reef Conservation!


As far as the environment is concerned, it is never to early to start! And on this note I was lucky enough to be invited to Sanur Independent School to conduct Project Aware’s Coral Reef Conservation along with 3 of Crystal Divers Internship students Vintty, Nico and Imam.

Junior Coral Reef Conservation!

We had a great afternoon taking over Science class with the grade 4 pupils talking about Reef formation, the various organisms that call the Reef ‘home’ as well as the threats that Coral Reefs around the world face and what steps we can take to protect it!

As all of the kids have grown in Bali they have all had the opportunity to snorkel our local reefs and I was amazed by their enthusiasm and passion for protecting the underwater world; in fact I think that we had the longest Science lesson ever fielding questions from very interested students!

Now we are all looking forward to next term when we will be helping grade 4 to organise a beach clean up for the whole school; updates to come on the next blog. . .

Special thanks to Bayu Vangsgaard for helping me to organise this event!


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